This thing is not finished. In fact, I'll probably forget about it and leave it. Or maybe not. I don't really know. Also, this is made for computers, It'll look even worse in phones or on anything other than a 720px screen.

Hello to whoever's reading

They say people like quick recomendations.

You'll like this →

little bird
My first post about lost data packets (just a silly hobby of mine)

To everyone else

Come with me, I'll show you around

This space is my personal blog, where I keep things I'm proud of, things I find cool or just interesting stuff i do and I want to share with you, whoever and wherever you are.

If I had to recommend somewhere to go first, I'd bet you'll enjoy reading through my found packets, where I talk about all the lost data packets I find around the internet (just a silly hobby of mine). When there's no moon and there are no clouds, I quite enjoy going out and taking pictures of the heavens: galaxies, nebulas and stuff. You can find more on this on the "pretty dots" section. The site on Charles' plants is quite self explanatory. They are my plants I keep on le jardin.

The Log

Here you'll figure out if I finally gave up or if I'm still working on stuff (in the format


I've been working on the packets page from 1 to 3 am, setting up the main page.

Also, more than 300 people have been here already? Where are you guys coming from?


Getting the basic css done, looking pretty. I'm missing a lot of content, but at least it looks nicer.

my progress


I made this page! For now it's just ugly html with a sprinkle of ideas.